Educational Intervention and Robot-Assisted Technology

Robots are now being programmed to help teach and support in areas of need, such as social and emotional learning, social skills, and activities for daily living.  Roboticists are currently working on the continued development of robots for special education. 

These interchangeable robots for kids will help children with learning disabilities by teaching essential social skills. While they are being continuously improved, these robots already provide more positive interactions than is sometimes achieved by the conventional one-to-one intervention. Therapists and teaching specialists are now using the latest in robotics technology to assist in treating patients. 

Roboticists aim to create robotic systems that can work alongside a patient in a therapist-based program to improve social skills and facilitate communication. 

Technology certainly cannot replace teachers and other certified professionals. Robotics was not designed to “take over,” but rather to support, assist, and augment teaching, thus allowing more opportunity for the child to feel comfortable learning and for the professional to assess, observe, and analyze a child’s performance.

If you have a child with autism who struggles to interact with you, Robot-Assisted Instruction can make a positive difference in your life. And, since many children with autism need extra support, especially in improving their interpersonal skills, this technology could benefit them greatly. Robot-assisted therapy for children with ASD is indeed a remarkable development in educational technology.